Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ode to Dreams of Counting Antelope

Gwen is nearly 6 wks old now and we find ourselves in a world far different than the BC (Before Children) one. Last night, our little girl decided that she was far too social for the crib, cried unless held or rocked, fed every 2 hours and, in general, made her loving mother have flashbacks to that humanities class in college when she never read the assigned books until the night before the test. Unfortunately, it is a little hard to revive oneself now compared to when Anne used to wander into the SUB, grab coffee with the roomates and fall asleep directly after the exam in the blessed Department of Ag Lounge.

Other than entirely too little sleep (any ideas people?), life is good here. Eric's mom flew in last week from England to stay with us for two weeks and friends from Bozeman came to visit this past weekend. Stay posted for more photos!!! Hunting season has been blessed this year as well. Determined not to forgo our freezer of food (game meat is our primary staple), Eric took turns in the pickup with Gwen, while Anne searched for antelope in several locations where friends graciously offered hunting rights (and even a personal escort to the grazing areas). Thus far, Eric has tagged two antelope, plus a mule deer, while Anne managed to shoot two antelope. We apologize to anyone morally offended by the photos (not exactly your cute baby pics, although we are including the one of Gwen in her hunting garb) but want to offer proof that a lactating mother can shoot game successfully less than 6 weeks after having the babe. Nevermind that Anne looks quite dorky in the one with the pickup (she lost her hat multiple times, so it was merely shoved on).


  1. As the mom of a kid who nursed every 2 hours until recently (thank god..he's almost 6 months old!), our best survival plan was to feed him around 8p, I would go to bed and Joe would feed him some pumped milk at 10p, then I would get up at 12a to feed him least I got more than two hours. And, I think that routine helped him sleep for a longer stretch (he eventually started sleeping from 9p-1a at about 8-9weeks...until I went back to work). Hang in there! Solidarity, sister!

  2. Hang in there Momma! I just brought my kids to bed with me and they nursed while I slept. You will figure out what works best for you and for baby.

  3. Good luck, sleep-deprived parents. She will eventually's the not knowing when that will happen is the tough part. Nursing in bed worked for us...but then again, we just got him moved out of our bed. :)

  4. Keeping Anna up during the day and keeping her on a feeding schedule (not starving her if she's hungry, but otherwise trying to stick to the same routine every day) really works well for us. Also, I think I told you about the synchronous breathing--Anna sleeps in her bassinet right beside my side of the bed (literally touching it)...I don't know if there's anything to the theory that they will get "in synch" with your breathing and sleep longer themsleves, but I know she stirs when we stir and sleeps when we sleep so it seems to be working. Other than that, just do the best you can--this too shall pass. :o)

    P.S. Congrats on the antelope and yay for jerky! ;o)

  5. Good luck on the sleeping thing - at least you're out of the house and hunting (!) despite your exhaustion.

    And I'm not much of a camo girl, but that camo-esque crocheted blanket is too cute. :)

  6. Nice animals!! It's great to get out, isn't it?

    Sorry about the sleep deprived state! (I think part of becoming a parent means you'll never again sleep without disturbance....) One of the things we did was to have white noise when we put the babies down. We used the bathroom fan at night and during the day, the dishwasher. Now I know that's not ecologically cool, but you can save the earth later, when you are getting 4 hours of sleep in a row.

    I also had to lay off coffee in the afternoon, or it would affect the babies through the milk. Talk about a cruel turn of fate! Just when you REALLY need that legal addictive stimulant.....

    You look pretty darn good for a girl who's not getting much rest!
