Monday, November 9, 2009

Watch and Wait.......

Typically, we would spend today at our weekly Dr. appt but we managed to somewhat get that out of the way last evening, after a trip to Miles City for monitoring. Anne has been having contractions for awhile now, but they had picked up a notch to the point that she felt like she might just break in half with the baby so low...and it wasn't from all the chocolate ice cream she had stuffed herself with either. So we were off for the 90 mile trip after some fast repacking and a quick once-over on the house to ensure that Gwennie hadn't dragged anyone's unmentionables on to the living room floor and that the toilet bowls and counters were clean (okay, only somewhat exaggerating here) ...

Apparently, Baby 2.0 is somewhat interested in appearing but refuses to buy the one-way ticket thus far. After several hours at the hospital, we know the following things:
** The nurses (that remember us somewhat vividly from last year) are still awesome

** Since last Monday, Baby 2.0 has worked to go from 60% effaced to 80-90%. We are somewhere around 2cm. Quote from one nurse: "Things are paper thin down there and she is right at the canal....I'm not exactly sure why she isn't here yet" If that doesn't make you feel like a time bomb, we don't know what will!

** Head appears to be down and 2.0 is so active that the monitors had to be muted for a time due to all the static from movement.

**Blood pressure was very high but leveled to 123/68 by the time we left. Anne started to get a migraine a la last time with having Gwen, but we managed to cut it short.

**Contractions and lots of lovely normal medical things are definitely happening,but still don't have enough pattern to be considered active (let us tell you - Anne definitely doesn't care if they are considered active or not....that's like telling someone they have an imaginary friend when you are pretty sure they are sending you emails and have visited your house)

So, given the option to stay the night in Miles in hopes of something happening in the next 24 hrs, or several days, or weeks, we went with the option of going home and waiting. Heck, why stay at Motel 6 camped out for what could become eons, when you have a cute kid, fully stocked fridge of ice cream, and wood to stack at home? We will keep you all posted - Anne's mom will be here on Wednesday, although she will forgive House of Miller if we happen to be indisposed in Miles for her arrival. Got to go.....there are more toilet bowls to inspect and counters to be washed.....


  1. Good grief, Anne Lark Konen Miller! 80-90% effaced and 2 cm dilated? And you're at home? The birth certificate will read something like, "Mile marker 62, delivered by father", which is starting to become rather the fashion for Garfield County babies!

    Don't be cleaning counters, dear one...your mom will be pleased to do that. Eat some ice cream, watch some Katherine Hepburn, or, here's an idea, SLEEP!

    Don't make me come over there.

    (But if you ARE determined to have the baby soon, I have a hair appointment tomorrow morning at 10, in Miles City. It would dovetail nicely.)

    Okay. I'm done clucking now.

  2. Good luck with the next few days!

  3. Brad says not to call him, he is booked up with other things. LOL

    Good luck and we can't wait to see the new little Miller baby!!

  4. How exciting! Hoping all goes well for the house of millier in the next few days or weeks. Hoping it's days for you :) We'll be thinking of you here in Buffalo

  5. i would go ahead and put that protective plastic bag over your car seat - the cleanup of en route delivery is a real drag! and don't forget to throw in a warm blanket for baby too : ) good luck! can't wait to see pictures of that sweet little 2.0 face!

  6. Oh WOW! I'm getting so excited for you! I can still remember what a relief it is to know that baby is coming, as in, my water just broke and we are off to the hospital. I also remember how wonderful it is to not be pg any more. I am hoping that these feelings are very close in your future. I pray that labor and delivery go much more quickly and smoothly than the first time. You and your family are in my prayers! I pray for the safety and healthy of all of the Miller family! :-)

  7. OH, Annie,,

    My pioneer daughter!! Just be safe and get the new little feet on the deck!!


  8. Prayers for you guys, waiting to hear!
