1) Even though people are betting that I am having multiples or a giant, the baby's measurements are reading perfectly normal in size with regular heartbeat and plenty of movement.
2) "Mini-Miller" has moved away more from the exit, which is nice for Mr. & Mrs. Miller's sanities
3) It appears that I have been getting more previews of what labor feels like (even more than this stubborn person likes to acknowledge). Doc found me to be 70% effaced with 2 months to go, so off we went to the pharmacy for some meds to stall the bun from warming too fast. The weekend's state BBQ competition trip to Missoula for the office was officially banned, however appears to be well on track with my producer volunteers despite my lack of being there. While I am greatly relieved at the independence of the volunteers , I must confess that my little ego is sad that the disappearance of "Pig Lady" appears to have no ill affects on them. :)
In any case, Camp Miller is in good shape even with a few kinks thrown in. We still are expecting the best and aiming for October - all of you readers are expected to do the same (especially the moms :) !) For the first time in my life, I am actually having to do things like "prepare ahead," "plan" and above all...chill out significantly. Which for a non-planner, fly-by-seat of pants person has been quite interesting and amusing for those involved (just ask Mandy)!
Below are some awesome 3D pics that the tech got for us this am! Enjoy!