Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First Movie Appearance


  1. Eric Says, "Sounds like she is filling a diaper and calling coyotes at the same time. That's my GIRL!!"

  2. Now if that footage doesn't land some grandmothers on your doorstep in a few days, I don't know what will!
    We're high-fiving here in the Pluhar house at our forsight in putting in our son's name as Gwennie's prom date. (And I'm sure you're kicking yourself after reading the World's Ugliest Hat blog....)
    Wayland thinks Gwen is going to give you trials. He should know; "Shark" has done her fair share to add to his.

  3. Does all the tongue action mean she's hungry?

  4. Squeaker is calling her Grandma Pohney! Maybe I'll have to stay home long enough to spend time with the Squeak! Although Kyle and Abby are sure enjoying my time spent in Billings!
