Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hello from the world of sleep deprivation

Well folks, we've appear to be in a bit of a pickle....since no new pictures have appeared recently and the readers are getting restless. Speaking of rest, Miss Gwen still appears to have her days and nights somewhat reversed. Although we did manage to sleep from 2-6 am last night, it was the no sleeping until 2 am that makes the parental units look slightly zombie-like, just in time for Halloween. However, the show must go on. Here are some more pictures to stave off the crowds until we can truly write something worthwhile about the last few days.

Mommy gets some sleep...............


Baby dreams of sheep.............

Then back to milk bar she will leap......


  1. It's even in rhyme. That's impressive, zombie mama. ;)

  2. She's starting to look like a regular little human! Maybe if you averaged out the two of you, you'd look 75% human? ;o)

  3. Oh Anne, I remember the days! You start making deals with God and even 10 more minutes seems like a gift. And all those people who say "sleep when the baby is sleeping, honey" sound a lot more reasonable than they used to, huh? I always had to weigh, sleep or shower, sleep or shower...sometimes it was sleep IN the shower.
    Hope she gets her schedule squared away; Gwennie is just beautiful!

  4. Hang in there girl! She will sleep someday, I promise!
