Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gwen Cam (Sorta)

Gwen has gotten to the point that she will imitate some of our actions. least her parents are willing to read into anything possible! Enjoy and we will try to get more videos over time while we work the whole webcam idea.


  1. What a dolly! I can't believe how big she is getting! I am definitely falling down in the Grandma department. Smoochies to the pretty girl!

  2. Too cute! Love the signing for milk. Keep up the good work!

  3. LOL! I literally laughed out loud at this, because Tim has been doing the exact same thing with Anna. Be forewarned though, she will get better at it (Tim and Anna have whole "conversations" in the language of blown raspberries) and when she does, she won't stop...which is inconvenient if you're the one holding her when she chooses to let loose a slobber storm. ;o)

  4. The first time I watched Gwennie, the next time I watched Eric....I don't know who was more entertaining, really!
    Thanks for the video! That little girl gets more dear, daily. (We check that often; sometimes several times a day...)
