Sunday, September 27, 2009


Everett Clyde O'Connor. He was born at 5:28 pm Sunday, September 27th, 2009. The hoodlum weighed in at a healthy 8lbs 12 oz. Proud parents sound tired but enthused. The expectation is to arrive home to Jordan with the new family member tomorrow (Monday), as Everett is healthy and showing no signs of jaundice. CONGRATS GUYS!!!

PS - Permission was granted to post since computers are few and far between on L&D ward tonight......


  1. I was so excited when John called I forgot his middle name! LOL.
    I am so happy for them...CONGRATS on the wee-one

  2. Annie,

    Please give the O'Connors x 3 my congratulations and best wishes!! PLEASE, also, take a note from Marisa's labor book next time.
