Monday, February 23, 2009

Talk to the Feet

We recently had our 5 month checkup with Doc Dan. Here are the stats:

Weight: 15lbs,8 oz (We thought she was getting heavy in the grocery store!) 65th percentile
Height: 26 inches 75th percentile

She checks out well and fine, with Doc suggesting that she is ahead of schedule on her babbling. We thought you all would like to see what we mean and, if you can imagine, this video was over a week ago with the development of vocalizations continuing since then!

Anne might mention here that she must be a bit of a bad mom, because she missed writing down the head size after being so excited to sit in a comfy chair and nearly fell asleep during the apt. Gwen's sleep schedule has reverted back to the up-every-3-hrs time frame, so we regret the lack of funny in this post. The crying it out method is being used but you can only stack so many pillows on your head before you risk self-squishing! More later, after a nap.


  1. "Oh I give up trying to get my feet outta this silly sack, I think I'll just suck my thumb!" She is so stinkin' cute! Oh and I love those sleeper sacks for winter time!!

  2. Adorable! Sorry you aren't sleeping well. We had a run of bad nights around this age, too. Something to do with teething and trying to figure out how to roll over.

  3. Sigh. I hate that letting them cry it out thing. It was never successful for us, but then he was older and had other issues (like a fear of his crib). I hope Gwen gets over this soon!

    Brian has one of those contoured foam pillows that are supposed to be good for your neck...don't know how they work for that, but they're the best drowning-out-noise pillow I know of...

  4. I hope you sleep well tonight. Thanks for the chocolate! Feel so much better!

  5. Looks like she's going to be a talker! Reminds me of someone else I've known since Kindergarten..... ;o)

  6. Well of COURSE she's advanced in her babbling! Glad to get the good report and we always love the videos, you know.

  7. For some reason my comments are posting! The other day I wrote about how cute she was and that you are a good mom. Catch some sleep when you can!

  8. Excuse me, they were NOT posting! Now they are, obviously, incorrect wording and all!
